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Rum is a distilled spirit produce from sugarcane. Rum may be produce from sugarcane syrup, Molasses, or from fresh sugarcane juice. The majority of the world's rum production occurs in the Caribbean and Latin America, with rum playing a large part in the culture of most islands of the West Indies. However, as there is no  specified geographical region for the production of rum, it is produced in many different countries and locations throughout the world.


Rums From Around the World

Many of the leading rum-producing regions of the world have rum styles or icon rum brands for which they are particularly well known.


It makes a wide variety of styles of rum, using a range of fermentation techniques, distillation styles, and aging process. Rhum in Jamaica is unique in that substance called DUNDER is the traditional yeast source for fermentation. Dunder is made from the highly acidic, yeast-rich foam "Leftovers" left in the still after distillation is complete. The used of Dunder encourage the creation of the highly aromatic compounds known as esters.


Cachaça is the type of Brazilian Rum produce from sugarcane juice. It is the most famous beverages in Brazil, around 180 million of citizen of Brazil made this spirit the most famous and widely consume on the planet.

Outside Brazil Cachaça is often mixed to create  the most famous drink: " Caipirinha.

Products that are export to USA, they have to specified on the label "BRAZILIAN RUM" must be produced using 100% sugar cane based products.


The French Island has been granted Appellation d'Origine Controlee (AOC) from Rum Agricole. The only AOC of Rum that EXIST. Martinique's AOC status means that the production of its rhum agricole is highly regulated, including the requirement that the spirit must be distillated at 70% alcohol by volume, a lesser degree than most molasses-based rhum.

HAITI: French colonist brought sugarcane to St. Dominique (as Haiti was known at the time) in th 1600's. Not long after that, rum was being made in the area. Today, one of Haiti's most famous export in the array of rum produced by the Society Du Rhum Barbancourt. They begin business on 1862 founded by Dupre Barbancourt, a freshman from the region of Charente.


The sugar plantations arrived to Barbados, not longer after the British colonized the Islands in 1627. 

Barbados produces  many different variety of rums, mainly from molasses, specializing in rich, flavorful styles. 

The World's oldest Documented Rum Brand, was founded in Mount Gay in 1703


French colonist brought sugar cane to St. Dominique (as Haiti known before) in the 1600s. Not long after that, rum was being made in the area.

The Societe du Rhum Barbancourt was the most famous export. This business begin on 1862 by Dupre Barbancourt, a freshman that comes from the Charentes region of France.


Puerto Rico produces different style of rums. But the best Puerto Rican rum tend to be a light, delicate, clean, floral notes. Most of the Puerto Rican Rums are based on the traditional Cuban Style developed in 1862 by Bacardi.

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